MySQL Backup

MySQL Backup mysqldump MySQL backup all databases MySQL Backup using mysqldump Plesk MySQL Daily Backup Script MySQL Backup Tricks Extract


MySQL backup all databases

To backup all databases on a MySQL server, run This will create sql backup file for each database in your


bash: mysql_safe: command not found

On CentOS 7 server running MySQL 5.7, when trying to reset MySQL root password, I get an error This is


CentOS 7 MySQL 5.7 root password reset

To reset MySQL 5.7 root password on CentOS 7 server, do the following Stop MySQL Server Set the MySQL MYSQLD_OPTS

ERROR 1045 (28000): Plugin caching_sha2_password could not be loaded

ERROR 1045 (28000): Plugin caching_sha2_password could not be loaded

When I try to connect to a MySQL 8 server, I get the following error This is because of MySQL

Magento catalog_product_relation MySQL Error

Magento catalog_product_relation MySQL Error

On transferring a Magento website Database running on MySQL 5.7.34 to MariaDB 10.2.39, I get the following error SQL Strict

MySQL Cluster

MySQL Cluster

MariaDB Replication MariaDB galera cluster Disable MySQL Replication on Slave


How to Reset Root Password in MySQL 8.0

If you forget the MySQL root password on MySQL 8.0 server, you can follow the instruction here to reset the


MySQL 8 server requested authentication method unknown to the client

On a server running MySQL 8 and PHP 7.3, I get the following error boby@sok-01:~$ php 1.php PHP Warning: mysqli_connect():


How to rename a MySQL database table

To rename a MySQL database table, login to phpMyAdmin or MySQL command line, then select the database, run following SQL


Repair MySQL database with mysqlcheck

To check and repair all databases in a database run Forcefully optimize all tables, automatically fixing table errors that may

MySQL Unknown collation: ‘utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci’

MySQL Unknown collation: ‘utf8mb4_0900_ai_ci’

When restoring a MySQL backup taken on MySQL 8 server, i get following error To fix this error, open the