Convert image to WebP format in Ubuntu

WebP is an image format for web by Google. The size of webp images are much smaller compared with other

bash: /usr/bin/man: No such file or directory

On Ubuntu, I get the following error This is fixed by installing man with apt-get

How to disable GUI in Ubuntu

If you have installed Ubuntu with GUI and don’t want GUI, you can disable GUI from starting on boot with

Ubuntu 20.04 failover IP

Configure Failover IP in Ubuntu 20.04 OVH VPS

To configure IP on OVH VPS, you need to manually configure networking as OVH gateway is outside the failover IP

nextcloud dashboard

Module php-imagick in this instance has no SVG support

On Ubuntu server running Nextcloud, I got the following warning in Nextcloud To fix this warning, install libmagickcore-6.q16-6-extra package with

zabbix agent Server config

How to install zabbix agent on Ubuntu

To install the Zabbix agent on Ubuntu, run the command To autostart, Zabbix agent on boot, enable it with To

How to install development tools on Debian/Ubuntu

How to install development tools on Debian/Ubuntu

Development tools are programs used to build software from its source code. These include compilers, make, and other generally used

bash: lspci: command not found

bash: lspci: command not found

On Ubuntu server, when I run lspci command, i get the error To fix this error, install package pciutils See

CyberPanel FTP not working on Ubuntu Server

On CyberPanel server, FTP was not working. I checked the server with “netstat -lntp” command. No service was listening on

Install PHP drivers for Microsoft SQL Server on Ubuntu PHP 7.2

On Ubuntu 18.04 server running PHP 7.2, i want to install Microsoft SQL Server module for PHP. You can find


Easy Kubernetes setup on Ubuntu with microk8s

To install microk8s, run Enable rules in firewall Enable addons To see status of current addons, run Here is status

Install dnsmasq on Ubuntu

Install dnsmasq on Ubuntu

dnsmasq is a very powerful tool that can provide basic dns services/caching, act as dhcp server and also as tftp