OpenLiteSpeed restart PHP

OpenLiteSpeed restart PHP

On OpenLiteSpeed, if you edit php.ini or installed a PHP module, restart OpenLiteSpeed won’t show the changes. You will need

Migrate IMAP emails using imapsync

Migrate IMAP emails using imapsync

To copy emails from one mailbox to another using imapsync, use Example In this example, source and destination email and



To see the swap usage See swap

Install LAMP Server on Ubuntu/Debian

Install LAMP Server on Ubuntu/Debian

To install LAMP (Apache, MySQL, PHP) on Ubuntu/Debian web server, run This use meta package install LAMP. If you want

EasyEngine WordPress Database Backup

EasyEngine backup WordPress Database

EasyEngine run database of web sites in a Docker container. To take backup of MySQL database used by a WordPress



Magento Saleor dropshipping



How to install NVIDIA CUDA on Debian 10

EasyEngine Admin Tools

Enable Admin Tools in EasyEngine

EasyEngine come admin tools. This include phpMyAdmin, phpinfo, OpCache GUI, nginx status. To enable admin tool, run Admin tools are

EasyEngine Connect to MySQL Database

EasyEngine Connect to MySQL Database

To Find MySQL root password on EasyEngine, run Or To connect to MySQL console, run See EasyEngine

Find IP with Most Access from Apache Log

To find IP with most access from Apache or other web server log file, run If you want to see



Email Marketing

Apache Show Real IP Address when using CloudFlare

When using Apache web server behind cloudflare, apache logs show cloudflare IP address instead of real visitor IP address. To