cPanel Server

How to Migrate CentOS 7 cPanel Server to Almalinux 8

CentOS Linux was discontinued at the end of 2021 in favor of CentOS Stream. CentoS 7 will continue to be

How to install MySQL 5.7 on CentOS 7 Server

To install MySQL 5.7 on CentOS 7 server, install the repository import MySQL GPG key with Install MySQL with the

Static IP for CentOS LXC container

LXC containers get dynamic IP from DHCP. When you stop and start a container, its IP gets changed. If you

How to Migrate CentOS to Oracle Linux

Oracle Linux is Free 100% binary-compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux, same as CentOS. Unlike RHEL, Oracle Linux is free

Install Nginx ModSecurity on CentOS 7

ModSecurity is a Web Application Firewall that protects your website from hacking attacks. It is Open Source and free to


bash: mysql_safe: command not found

On CentOS 7 server running MySQL 5.7, when trying to reset MySQL root password, I get an error This is

yum fix duplicate package error

yum fix duplicate package error

When installing a package, i get following error To fix, remove the conflicting package with See yum, Fix yum duplicate

Red Hat Killing CentOS Linux, Fight for CentOS clone

RedHat, parent company of CentOS Linux announce it will stop supporting CentOS 8, the latest version of CentOS. CentOS is

CentOS 6 Invalid release/repo/arch combination

When i run yum update on a CentOS 6 server, i get error “Invalid release/repo/arch combination/”. This error is due

Install Monit on CentOS

Install Monit on CentOS

Monit allow you to monitor process. It can restart failed process or alert when server is overloaded. On CentOS server,

Prometheus init script for CentOS 6

Prometheus init script for CentOS 6

Create init file. Add following Create User For Prometheus Run prometheus on Boot Verify it is enabled “3:on” will start



rpmquery command allow you to check if a specific rpm package installed on your computer. Example See rpm