bash: man: command not found

bash: man: command not found

When running man command on a debian server, i get error This is because man-db package not installed on the

show git branch in terminal

Show git branch in terminal

When working with git, to avoid accidental commit to wrong branch, it will be better if terminal show the branch

Find Reverse-DNS/PTR using dig, nslookup, host

Find Reverse-DNS/PTR using dig, nslookup, host

Reverse-DNS/PTR is used by mail servers. It is used to map an IP address to FQDN or hostname. To find

Disable SELinux on CentOS/RHEL

Disable SELinux on CentOS/RHEL

To disable SELinux Method 1 Method 2 edit file Find Replace with Reboot the server with You can disable selinux

Show Hidden Files

Show Hidden Files

For linux to show hidden files when you type ls command Edit ~/.bashrc Add line Save and exit. Now you

curl using cookie

curl using cookie

Here is some example of using curl to login to site, use cookie to do further requests. See curl



chown command is ued to change ownership of a file or folder In this example ownership of folder public_html to



Enable atd Setting Job Deleting at job See linux commands

Testing POP3 mail box with telnet

Testing POP3 mail box with telnet

To test if pop3 mailbox work using telnet, use Once logged in, you can use commands like See telnet

Auto upgrade software in Ubuntu/Debian

Auto upgrade software in Ubuntu/Debian

To auto upgrade software packages in Ubuntu/Debian, install Edit In this file, you can configure various settings. See apt



rpmquery command allow you to check if a specific rpm package installed on your computer. Example See rpm

Install PowerDNS on Ubuntu 20.04

Install PowerDNS on Ubuntu 20.04

PowerDNS is an OpenSource DNS server. Update apt repo On Ubuntu, systemd-resolved listen to port 53. This is a local